Pengaruh Edukasi Gizi Seimbang Menggunakan Media E-Booklet terhadap Pengetahuan dan Pola Makan Remaja di SMKN 4 Samarinda

The Effect of Balanced Nutrition Education Using E-Booklet Media on Adolescents’ Knowledge and Eating Pattern at SMKN 4 Samarinda

  • Nur Fadila Putri
  • Ratnawati Ratnawati Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim
  • Riska Mayang Saputri Ginting Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim
Keywords: remaja, e-booklet, pengetahuan gizi, pola makan


Increasing nutritional problems in adolescents causes by poor nutritional knowledge and disaccordance of  eating pattern to balanced nutrition. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutritional education using e-booklet media on the knowledge and eating patterns of adolescents at SMKN 4  Samarinda. This was a quantitative study using a quasi-experimental design involving 36 students selected using purposive sampling technique. Data was obtained using pre- and post-test questionnaire to assess  nutritional knowledge and semi-quantitative FFQ interviewer-administered questionnaires for dietary patterns. Wilcoxon test and paired sample t-test analysis used to compare variables before and after intervention. Statistical test results showed that balanced nutrition education using e-booklet media had a significant effect on knowledge (p-value = 0.000 <0.05) and eating patterns for energy intake (p-value = 0.000 <0.05), protein intake (p-value = 0.003 <0.05), fat intake (p-value = 0.001 < 0.05) and carbohydrate intake (p-value = 0.000 < 0.05). Nutrition education intervention using e-booklet media was effective to increase nutritional knowledge and eating pattern of adolescent.
