Evidence of a Significant IgG Secretory Immune Response in Breast Milk and Blood There is a Mother Breastfeeding a Survivor of Covid 19 During Childbirth in Samarinda in 2022

  • Endah Wahyutri Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
  • Nilam Noorma Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim
  • Jusak Nugraha
  • I Gede Andika Sukarya Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
Keywords: IgG levels, breast milk, blood


The COVID-1 pandemic puts mothers at risk of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to their babies or children while breastfeeding. East Kalimantan is ranked 5in 2021 and ranked 10 in Oktober 2022. Where children regardless of gender are all sensitive to COVID-19. (2) Breast milk contains high levels of secretory type antibodies (sIgG), breastfeeding from mothers who recover from COVID-19 can reduce this immunity to babies. (5), Objective: To analyze the relationship between IgG in breast milk and blood in breastfeeding mothers. Covid 19. The type of research is a control analytical study that is not exposed to covid. On the case control approach. Cases are breastfeeding mothers who are exposed to Covid. Blood and breast milk are taken for 5 CC each and then checked for levels of Ig A and Ig G. Total samples of 27 blood and 18 breast milk of respondents. Minimum Blood IgG result1131.96300, Maximum 105774.58400 mean 40440.8053704, up to 33454.78224272. Minimum IgG ASI 4405.16200, Max 289530.00800, Mean 146174.3697222, up to 97794.70426397. Product Moment correlation analysis of Blood IgG with breast milk IgG P Value 0.000 < 0.005.There is a relationship between blood IgG and breast milk IgG in breastfeeding mothers who have survived covid 19. Suggestion: Mothers who are breastfeeding exposed to Covid 19 are expected to give breast milk, help provide immunity, especially for vulnerable newborns, contain high levels of secretory type antibodies (sIgG), breastfeed from mothers recovering from COVID-19 can decrease immunity to babies


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