Oxytocin Massage and Breastcare Therapies to Accelerate Dispensing Breast Milk In Postpartum Mother

  • Christinawati BR Haloho Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
Keywords: Oxytcin, Breastcare Accelerate Breast Milk Spending


One of high factor risk of stunting is exclusive breastfeeding failure. In Indonesia, 65.7% of children aged 0 – 23 months have not or never been breastfed by the mother because many reasons. In East Kalimantan, 77.9% children aged 0 – 23 months have not or never been breastfed (National Basic Health Research, 2018). The previous study said that breastfeeding failure caused by mothers are not able to breastfeed the baby because of the long time milk to come out (IMD failure). The purpose of this research to analysis effect of oxytocin massage and breastcare therapies on accelerating Dispensing Breastmilk. This is research used quasi experiment design with 56 mothers in RSUD A.Wahab Sjahranie in 2021. Analysis chi-square showed that p value 0.000 < 0.05, there were Significantly value of acceletae of breastmilk. It because of the therapies stimulate the pituitary to release oxytocin hormone then the hormone stimulate muscles to squeeze out the milk that is in the alveoli, lobes, and ducts containing milk that is released through the nipples


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