Effect of Endorphin Massage on Colostrum Production in Post Sc Mothers in The Postpartum Room at Ratu Aji Putri Botung Hospital Penajam

  • Endah Wahyutri Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur
Keywords: Endorphine massage, Colostrum Expenditure


Colostrum is a very important source of life for children where in breast milk there are many nutrients needed by children that support the growth and development of a child. Complex problems regarding the longer colostrum expulsion time in post-SC compared to normal postpartum mothers are caused by the effects of anesthesia and early ambulation. Expenditure of breast milk, especially colostrum in post SC, is often delayed 2-3 days and even 1 week after birth, so it is necessary to accelerate the release of colostrum, one of which is endorphin massage. Objective of this research is to determine the effect of Endorphin massage on the production of colostrum. This type of research is true experimental with a posttest-only control group design with a sample size of 36 where the endorphin massage group is 18 people and the control group is 18 people selected using accidental sampling. Observation sheet measuring instrument. Data analysis used paired t tests and independent t-tests. The time of the expulsion of colostrum in postpartum SC mothers in the experimental group who was given endorphin massage had an average time of the expulsion of colostrum of 9.227 hours. The time of the expulsion of colostrum in postpartum SC mothers in the control group who were not given endorphin massage had an average time of the expulsion of colostrum of 20.328 hours. There is an effect of endorphin massage on colostrum expenditure in postpartum SC mothers with a p-value of 0.000. the average time to expel colostrum with endorphin massage was 11.100 hours faster than post-SC mothers who did not receive endorphin massage. The conclusion is Endorphin massage is effective in accelerating the time of colostrum expulsion


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